An informal and prosaic, yet informed and balanced presentation of critical arguments and conversations on the state of experimental and avant-garde film during the early half of the 1980s, Film: The Front Line – 1983 provides an engaging and accessible introduction to several noteworthy, underrepresented personal filmmakers. Rosenbaum makes a conscious decision to omit key, […]
Tag: Jonas Mekas
Lost, Lost, Lost, 1976
In Reel 2 of Lost, Lost, Lost, the first volume of Jonas Mekas’s diary film, Diaries, Notes, and Sketches, Mekas’s commentary of his early life in Williamsburg, Brooklyn as an immigrant and refugee drifting from factory to factory, accepting a series of temporary jobs as an assembly worker is presented against a typewritten letter that […]
Reminiscences of a Journey to Lithuania, 1972
Composed of three aesthetically distinct, self-encapsulated, geographically-based chapters – assembled footage from Jonas Mekas’ adoptive hometown of Brooklyn circa 1950 shortly after his arrival to America with his brother Adolfas, a series of short, herky-jerky vignettes recorded during the brothers’ return to their place of birth in the rural, agrarian village of Semeniskiai, Lithuania in […]