On an idyllic summer day, a 12 year old boy named Ivan (Nikolai Burlyayev) ventures into the woods and spots a cuckoo. He begins to levitate above the forest, rejoins his mother (Irma Raush Tarkovskaya), and begins to share his discovery. Then the peaceful reunion between mother and son is truncated by Ivan’s rude awakening […]
Tag: Andrei Tarkovsky
Andrei Rublev, 1969
The abstract opening sequence of Andrei Tarkovsky’s Andrei Rublev reflects the mystical undercurrent that flows throughout the film: a peasant sneaks into a tower to ride aboard a primitive hot air balloon. He succeeds in briefly soaring into the atmosphere, only to crash violently into the ground. To dissect every frame of Andrei Rublev and […]
Stalker, 1979
Twenty years ago, a meteorite fell to Earth, and decimated a provincial Russian town. Villagers traveled through this curious area, now known as The Zone, and disappeared. Stories purport that there is an inner chamber within The Zone called The Room that grants one’s deepest wish. Fearing the consequences from such an inscrutable resource, the […]