Poignant, humorous, and exquisitely realized, Randa Chahal-Sabbag’s The Kite follows the plight of a beautiful and carefree Lebanese girl named Lamia (Flavia Bechara) who, after recklessly tempting fate by briefly trespassing into the mined, Israeli-controlled heavily militarized buffer zone in order to retrieve her kite, is ruled by her village council to be prepared for […]
Tag: Lebanese Cinema
Short Notes from The Calm After the Storm: Making Sense of Lebanon’s Civil War
Ready To Wear Imm Ali (Dima El-Horr) is a delightful, understated comedy that like Elia Suleiman’s Divine Intervention and Randa Chahal Sabag’s The Kite, finds brittle humor in the absurdities of everyday life under a protracted occupation. Ostensibly chronicling an enterprising woman’s efforts to launch a fashion boutique in a bucolic farming village and her […]